How to Resolve Unapproved Creatives and Budget Issues in Amazon DSP Line Items

If you’re running campaigns on Amazon DSP and have encountered issues with unapproved creatives or budget-related concerns, you’re not alone. Many marketers face these challenges, especially when managing complex campaigns with multiple line items and creatives. This article will guide you through the steps to resolve unapproved creatives and manage your budget effectively in Amazon DSP, ensuring your campaigns run smoothly without overspending or getting stuck due to budget constraints.

Understanding the Problem

One common issue is having creatives unapproved after they’ve been seemingly approved and running fine. This can disrupt your campaign’s performance, especially if you’re nearing your budget limit or close to the end of the campaign’s flight dates. Another critical concern is how Amazon DSP handles the remaining budget if it isn’t fully utilized by the campaign’s end date.

Resolving Unapproved Creatives

1. Identify the Cause of Disapproval

  • Creatives can be unapproved due to various reasons, such as content restrictions, audience targeting conflicts, or violations of Amazon’s policies.
  • Check the notification details provided by Amazon DSP to understand the specific reason behind the disapproval.

2. Escalate the Issue to Amazon Support

  • If your creatives have been previously approved and are now unapproved without any changes, it’s essential to escalate the issue to Amazon support. Provide them with the case history and any related documentation to expedite the approval process.
  • In some cases, the disapproval might be related to specific audience segments that conflict with Amazon’s policies. For example, certain lifestyle segments might not be compatible with B2B audiences, leading to creative disapproval.

3. Cluster Audiences in Line Items

  • To prevent issues with audience conflicts, consider clustering similar audience segments within the same line item. For instance, keep in-market segments in one line item and lifestyle segments in another. This approach can minimize the risk of disapproval and ensure your creatives meet the necessary criteria.

4. Avoid Repeated Submissions

  • Once the issue is escalated, avoid repeatedly submitting the same creative. Amazon’s moderation team will review the escalated case, and resubmitting can lead to unnecessary delays.

Managing Budget Concerns

1. Set Clear Flight Dates

  • Ensure that your order flight and line item end dates are clearly defined. This will help Amazon DSP manage your campaign’s budget effectively, ensuring that the campaign runs until the designated end date without exceeding the budget.
  • Without proper frequency caps, your campaign might overspend, especially as it nears the budget limit. Monitoring these settings can prevent unexpected budget depletion.

2. Handling Leftover Budget

  • If your campaign doesn’t fully utilize the budget by the end of the flight date, Amazon DSP provides options at the order setting level to manage the leftover budget. You can either reallocate it to other campaigns or let it remain unused.
  • It’s essential to decide on this before the campaign ends to avoid losing the unused budget or having it automatically rolled over without your control.

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