How to Link CM360 with Google Tag Manager (GTM)

When we link CM360 with Campaign Manager, we can easily push our Floodlight activities into GTM. This can save a lot of time when creating Floodlight conversions for your campaigns.

Here is the step-by-step process to link these two platforms:

  1. Go to your CM360 account at the account level and select the advertiser you want to use for this integration.
  2. Go to Floodlight > Configuration > Google Tag Manager.
  • Click “Link to a container” and add your GTM container ID. 
  • Once you input your container ID, click Save, and you should receive a notification in GTM asking for your approval to link the accounts.

How to Push the Tags to Your GTM Account

  1. Once you have linked GTM with CM360, you will need to manually push each Floodlight activity to your GTM account and then publish the version in GTM to make those changes effective.
  2. First, create the activities in CM360 and save them. When creating a CM360 activity, the platform will not initially display the option to link CM360 with GTM, so you will need to save it first.
  3. Once you have created and saved the activity, you can open it again, and you will see the option to push it to your GTM account. Select “Push,” and it will be sent to your GTM account. Then, go to your GTM account, accept the changes, and publish the new version.

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