How to Choose the Right Line Item Type for Mobile and Video Creatives in Amazon DSP

When working with Amazon DSP, one of the key challenges you might encounter is understanding how to properly select and utilize different line item types, especially when dealing with mobile and video creatives. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the specific steps and considerations to help you make informed decisions that align with your campaign objectives.

Understanding Line Item Types in Amazon DSP

Line items in Amazon DSP are crucial because they determine where your ads will be displayed and what types of creatives you can use. There are various line item types, each tailored to different inventory types, such as desktop sites, mobile sites, apps, and more. It’s essential to understand the implications of your line item choices to ensure that your ads are shown in the right places with the right creative formats.

Mobile AAP vs. O&O Inventory

A common point of confusion is the difference between Mobile AAP (Amazon Advertising Platform) and O&O (Owned & Operated) inventory. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Mobile AAP Inventory: This includes mobile apps owned by Amazon, such as IMDb and Alexa, as well as third-party apps. This inventory type is broader and allows you to target a wide range of mobile apps, providing flexibility depending on your campaign’s reach and targeting goals.
  • O&O Inventory: This is more specific and includes only the websites and apps directly owned and operated by Amazon, such as the Amazon Shopping website and the IMDb website. If your campaign strategy is focused on high-quality placements within Amazon’s ecosystem, O&O inventory might be the better choice.

Selecting the Right Line Item Type

When creating a line item in Amazon DSP, your first task is to select the appropriate type. This decision is critical as it will dictate the available inventory and the creative types you can deploy. Here are some scenarios:

  1. Video Line Items: If you choose a video line item, you’ll have the flexibility to target both desktop and mobile inventory. This type is ideal for campaigns that rely heavily on video content, allowing your ads to appear on IMDb mobile websites and apps, as well as third-party desktop and mobile websites and Streaming TV.
  2. Image Line Items: If you opt for an image line item, your options are more restricted. You’ll typically target either desktop web or mobile web inventory, but not both simultaneously. This is suitable for campaigns that focus on static visuals rather than dynamic content like video.

Can You Change a Line Item Type After Creation?

A frequently asked question is whether you can switch a line item from one type to another after it has been created and saved. The short answer is no. Once a line item type is selected and saved, it cannot be altered. If you need to change the type, the best course of action is to duplicate the existing line item or create a new one from scratch. This approach ensures that your campaign setup remains consistent and aligned with your goals.

Best Practices for Mobile and Video Creatives

  • Plan Ahead: Before setting up your line items, consider your campaign’s objectives and the creative types you intend to use. This foresight will help you select the most appropriate line item type from the start, avoiding the need for later adjustments.
  • Use the Right Inventory for Your Creative: Align your creative type with the right inventory. For example, use video line items if your campaign is video-centric and requires broad reach across both desktop and mobile platforms.
  • Test and Optimize: Don’t hesitate to experiment with different line item types to see which yields the best results for your specific campaign. Monitoring performance and making data-driven decisions will help you optimize your ad placements over time.

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