How do I remove a user from TTD?

When it comes to adding or removing users from The Trade Desk (TTD), it’s important to remember that this cannot be done manually by us. Instead, we will need to reach out directly to the TTD team to request the removal of the user from our account.

To request this effectively, you will need to provide TTD with the following information:

  1. Specify whether you want to remove the user from all advertisers (if the user has access at the account level) or from specific advertisers only.
  2. Share the seat IDs.
  3. Provide the email of the user you wish to remove.

This process typically takes between 24 and 48 hours after the request has been made to the TTD team.

It is always a good practice to keep a file with a list of users who have access to your partner account or advertisers, especially if you are working in an agency where you likely have a large number of users with access to your accounts. You can always request this list from TTD so you can verify who has access to your account.

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