How to Replace Grapeshot Language Targeting in The Trade Desk

If you’re trying to set up a multi-cultural campaign in The Trade Desk (TTD) and can’t find the Grapeshot Language option anymore, you’re not alone. Many advertisers who previously relied on Oracle’s Grapeshot for language targeting are now facing the same issue, as Oracle is sunsetting their ad business. This includes Grapeshot, which means you can no longer add it to new campaigns. But don’t worry—there are alternatives available that can help you achieve similar results.

In this article, we’ll explore why Grapeshot is no longer available and walk you through the best alternatives you can use in TTD to target audiences based on language.

Oracle’s decision to shut down their ad business includes discontinuing Grapeshot, a popular contextual targeting tool. Many programmatic advertisers have used it to target audiences based on the language of the content they consume. Since Oracle’s ad services are being phased out, Grapeshot is no longer an option for new campaigns on TTD.

If you’ve been looking for Grapeshot in TTD’s campaign setup and wondering why it’s missing or not working, this is the reason.

What Are Your Alternatives to Grapeshot Language Targeting?

Thankfully, The Trade Desk offers a couple of solid alternatives for language targeting:

  1. TTD’s Browser-Level Language Targeting (Free Option)The simplest and free alternative is to use TTD’s built-in browser-level language targeting. This feature analyzes the language settings of the browser or device users are using to access content. This is a great way to target users based on their device language preferences, which can be applied across any environment or media type as long as the supply-side platform (SSP) specifies the device language.Here’s how it works:
    • The Trade Desk analyzes the browser or device language settings when users visit websites or apps.
    • You can set targeting parameters based on these language settings to reach users who have their device or browser configured in specific languages.
    This option is available directly in TTD and is easy to set up within the campaign’s targeting parameters.
  2. Peer39 Language Targeting (Paid Option)If you’re looking for more advanced contextual language targeting, Peer39 offers a premium solution. Peer39 provides granular contextual data that can be used to target specific languages based on the content being consumed, rather than just the browser’s language setting. Here’s what Peer39 offers:
    • It goes beyond browser or device settings and actually analyzes the content on the page to determine the language in which it’s written.This allows you to target users who are reading or interacting with content in specific languages, making it ideal for campaigns that need more precision or are targeting specific cultural nuances.
    However, Peer39 does come with a fee, so it’s worth weighing the benefits against your campaign’s budget and goals.

How to Set Up Browser-Level Language Targeting in The Trade Desk

  1. Log in to your TTD account and navigate to your campaign or ad group.
  2. In the Targeting section, look for the option labeled “Language” under device or environment settings.
  3. Select the languages you want to target. For example, you can choose to target users whose browser language is set to Spanish, French, Mandarin, etc.
  4. Adjust other targeting parameters as needed and save your changes.

Once your campaign is live, TTD will automatically filter and target users based on the browser or device language they’ve set.

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