AI Marketing Ads Assistant

When working with digital ads, we as marketers engage with many different platforms, such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Google Analytics, DV360, The Trade Desk, Amazon DSP, and many other ad platforms to buy our ads. However, mastering each of these requires extensive experience in planning, implementing, troubleshooting, and optimizing the various types of digital ad campaigns that these platforms offer.

While we may have a good understanding of these platforms, considering ourselves “experts” often requires years of working with each of them, which makes it quite challenging. For that reason, here at Ads Copilot, we have created this Chrome extension to help you work with the most important and relevant ad platforms, making your life easier and assisting you with your day-to-day tasks.

Ads Copilot is very easy to use. By enabling “Screen Interaction,” you can ask questions directly to the extension, and it will read the content on your screen, providing you with insights on what you’re seeing. This means you don’t have to copy and paste or try to explain what you’re viewing on the screen. Instead, you can simply ask questions like: “Why is this campaign underpacing?” “Why is the CPA for this campaign, Ad group, or Line Item too high?” “Why is the creative not delivering impressions?” and more.

Ads Copilot was created by digital marketers for digital marketers, because we understand how challenging it can be to find the right answers. Sometimes, we find ourselves lost in so many variables that it can be overwhelming to determine the root cause when setting up or optimizing a campaign.

With Ads Copilot, you can also upload reports and images, making it easy to gain insights into your ad campaigns and share them with your team, or use them to understand why your ad campaigns are not performing as expected.

Ads Copilot is here to make your life as a digital marketer easier—because while there are copilots for everything else, there wasn’t one for this. Until now

Benefits of using
Ads Copilot

Clock Icon
Save Time Assessing Your Ad Campaigns

Save hours of work planning, optimizing, and troubleshooting your ad campaigns

System Icon
Work With Any Marketing Ad Platform

Compatible with Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Google Ads, DV360, TTD, Amazon DSP, CM360, GA4, and more

Creative Icon
Get Better Results With Your Ad Campaigns

Ads Copilot isn’t here to replace digital marketers, but to empower them with superpowers

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